Iconic London Buses Go Hydrogen
First in UK With a Fleet of Hydrogen Buses
Source: London Hydrogen Buses
Source: London Electric Double Decker
Source: London Double Decker
London's Zero Emissions Bus Goal by 2030
A fleet of hydrogen double decker buses are driving the streets of London to reduce toxic fumes and fight climate change. This is a first in the United Kingdom. The zero-emissions, iconic buses were manufactured by Wrightbus of Northern Ireland, which also has hydrogen buses operational in Dublin, Ireland. Hydrogen for the buses is being produced in Cheshire with big hydrogen production plans in the mix.
Going Totally Zero Emissions
The city's transportation operator, Transport for London, has a sustainability goal of operating only zero emissions buses by 2030. London is diversifying its green bus portfolio by adding the hydrogen buses to its electric fleet. London has 500 electric buses in operation. Also, London is retrofitting its diesel operated buses to meet Euro V1 emissions standards. The UK itself has a national bus strategy that will lead to a ban on diesel bus sales and deliver 4,000 new, British built electric and hydrogen buses over the next few years. Britain is clearly on the way to a greener future. And, there are forecasts that hydrogen will power 25% of road transportation globally by 2050. To take a look at my latest book "New Travel Concepts", go to https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B098PH12XB&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_MQWPX7YV7RBNTM64GWV3
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