Up to 100% Off New Innovation Books on Amazon

 Special Amazon Promotional Sale on 3 of Ed Kane and My Innovation Books

Limited Time Discounts -- 80%, 90% &100% 

Right now is a great opportunity to purchase several of Edward Kane's recent books on innovations at a deep discount up to 80%, 90% and 100%.  Until April 27, 2021, one book is available for free. I co-authored the books with Ed. Here is what Amazon is making available:

Future Modes of Travel 2020's & 2030's at $1.99, which is an 80% discount 


New Inventions for the 2020's Part 1 at $.99, which is a 90% discount


New Innovations For Gen Y - for free for two days.


These books contain the top, new innovations across industries that are enhancing life for many of us.

To browse my complete set of latest books, go to amazon.com/author/ekane https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B07JL56W35

If you are an investor, you might really want to take a look at this limited time offer because we showcase innovations investors should be aware of and evaluate.

Breakthrough global innovations for investors to explore


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