Tesla Cybertruck's Growing Capabilities

Electric Truck That Powers a Camper

                                      Source:  Tesla Cybertruck

E-Pickup with Zero Emissions 

The Tesla Cybertruck is one of the most anticipated product launches in history.  Tesla founder and CEO Elon Musk just disclosed on Twitter that cybertruck owners will be able to power their campers with the electric pickup truck.  The truck is one of Musk's pet projects.  It is due to go into production in late 2021 and hit the market by 2022.

Tech Specs

The Cybertruck is an impressive piece of automotive technology.  The exterior is made of scratch and dent resistant steel, that Musk claims is bullet proof. The least expensive version starts at $39,900 and can tow up to 7,500 pounds.  The dual motor version starts at $49,900 and can tow up to 10,000 pounds.  The tri-motor version starts at $69,900, has a range of more than 500 miles on a charge and has a towing capacity of more than 14,000 pounds, which would cover a variety of trailers and campers - all being hauled with zero emissions.  Musk and Tesla are working on a Tesla camper to be sold along with the Cybertruck.

For a comprehensive look at electric vehicles, go to https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B084TRHRH1&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_1Z4F0XA3XXNRD5E81JWW

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