Future of Driving - Lotus EV Concept

Lotus E-R9

Source:  Lotus E-R9

Cutting Edge Electric Driving Technologies

UK based Lotus is designing an electric endurance race car concept that will go into action in 2030.  The electric vehicle is called the E-R9.  It is futuristic and very edgy.  The racer is sleek, shaped like a delta wing and is fully electric.  Its body panels can morph in response to aerodynamic conditions.  The panels can change shape and angle.  The driver can trigger the morphing or input from the vehicle's performance sensors can trigger the change.  The morphing helps to reduce drag on straightaways and produces downforce to help navigate corners on the racetrack.  This concept vehicle is not just about racing.  It is a platform to showcase Lotus engineering's advanced capabilities in aerodynamics and electric powertrains.

Next G Technologies

The vehicle's powertrain has an electric motor powering each wheel.  And Lotus says it has a "mixed cell chemistry battery" designed to deliver a combination of power density and long range.  Vertical surfaces at the backend of the EV produce aerodynamic force to help the car change direction.  Simultaneously, Lotus is developing a new electric sportscar platform for highway driving.

For a comprehensive look at the latest global car concepts, go to https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B08YTGFCG2&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_VZYNW0Q6RMCN0QZX9XN0

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