Tesla's Highly Advanced Sensor

Detects Children Left Behind in Hot Cars

Source:  Tesla

Boosts Theft-Prevention Systems

Tesla is seeking approval from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)) to market and sell a short-range, interactive motion sensing device.  The company says the sensor can detect a child left behind in a hot car.  Tesla also says it enhances anti-theft systems in cars.  Tesla needs FCC clearance to use these unlicensed millimeter-wave sensors that operate at higher power levels than are currently allowed.

Big Advantages

Unlike camera based and in-seat occupant systems, the Tesla device is radar-based.  Tesla says it has depth perception and can see through soft materials like a blanket covering a baby in a car seat.  The device is so sensitive it can detect breathing, heart beats and can differentiate between a child and an object left on a seat.  The FCC is seeking public comment on the sensor through September 21.  In the US, 50 children left behind in hot cars died in both 2018 and 2019.

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Amazon is currently running a very limited time, free promotion on one of journalist Edward Kane's books, which is currently #4 ranked in the Astronomy category.  For a free copy of his very recent e-book "Space Mysteries and Wonders 2020's"  go to https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B08D7SV3Z5&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_9FQqFbNFJWRBZ&tag=ejkane2-20   I co-authored the book with Ed.   It contains new information of interest to investors.

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