"Space: The Unknown Regions" by Edward Kane
Latest Discoveries, Missions & Searches for Life
Source: Amazon amazon.com/author/ekane |
Just Published on Kindle
I'm pleased to announce that journalist Edward Kane's latest book "Space: The Unknown Regions" has just been published as an e-book on Kindle/Amazon. The book is a combination of 3 of his latest books on space: "Search for Life in Space", "Space Mysteries and Wonders 2020's" and "Space 2020's: What's Up There?". It includes perspectives on new forms of life existing in space from great thinkers like Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Stephen Hawking, among others.
Bundled Series
The bundled book is deeply discounted by 65% off the cost of the three books if bought individually. If you want to be aware of the latest space discoveries, missions and searches for life in space, this is the book for you. For a free preview, go to https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B08DSFF8SG&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_uayiFbYRBVEPH&tag=ejkane2-20 I co-authored the books with Ed. They contain valuable information for investors to be aware of.
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