"SPACE 2020'S: WHAT'S UP THERE?" by Edward Kane

Source:  NASA

Source:  Amazon Kindle

Amazon Countdown Deep Discount
For a bargain price, you can buy a ride on a spaceship to the top space missions of the 2020's through journalist Edward Kane's book "Space 2020: What's Up There?".  The regular price is $6.99.  The Amazon Countdown Deal offers it at $3.99 through 11AM ET this morning.  Then, it's priced at $4.99 through 11AM ET Tuesday and thereafter returns to the regular price.  It's your bargain ticket to space in the 2020's.  Here's the linkASIN: B087DV4DZ6  I co-authored the book with Ed.  It contains important space and technology news for investors to be aware of.

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