1st Coronavirus Vaccine Tested by NIH

Moderna New Vaccine Goes to National Institutes of Health

Source:  Coronavirus

Ready for Phase One Human Trials
While the deadly Coronavirus continues to take its toll globally, a new vaccine offering hope for prevention is on its way to the NIH in Washington, DC.  This is the first Coronavirus vaccine going into clinical trials by the NIH.  Moderna, a biotech company specializing in vaccines & headquartered in Cambridge, MA, has invented what it calls  the mRNA-1273 vaccine to prevent the Coronavirus infection.  The NIH is going to begin Phase 1 trials for human use.  Turnaround time and availability could be within a year

Overnight Share Price Lift
Moderna announced that it was shipping the vaccine to the NIH last night.  The company is publicly traded on the NASDAQ.  In overnight trading, Moderna shares were up 15% on the news.  Over the past few years, the company has created more than 100 vaccines and therapies for clinical trials. Fear of the Coronavirus and its global economic and human health impact hit Wall Street hard yesterday leading to more than a 1000 point loss on the Dow.  The virus has been identified in 32 global locations, including the US, since the first case was found in Wuhan, China.  There have been 2595 deaths from it in China and 23 more deaths in 29 locations outside of China.

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