Ride-Sharing Trend: GM Buying In

GM Investing in Electric, Autonomous Vehicles for Ride Sharing

Source:  GM's Cruise Origin

GM's Cruise Origin
Cars are expensive to buy, insure, park, fuel and maintain.  They pour tremendous amounts of pollution into the air, globally on a daily basis.  Personal vehicles have low utilization  rates.  For all of those reasons and more, GM is moving to capitalize on a significant, alternative driving trend for the near future: ride sharing.

California Cruising
GM's self driving subsidiary Cruise just unveiled its new vehicle Origin in San Francisco.  Origin is a new, ride sharing shuttle that can carry up to six passengers.  It's all-electric, totally autonomous and specifically designed for ride sharing.  For GM, this is a mass production vehicle as they believe the market potential for it is big.  The vehicle has no steering wheel and no pedals.  The vehicle is a new and additional business model for GM.  The company has petitioned US transportation  officials for approval to deploy it on US roads.  For a sample read of journalist Edward Kane's latest book on transportation "Hot Electric Vehicles for the 2020's", go to https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B082GKV1ZY&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_EyYkEbSRGPSTR

amazon.com/author/ekane  I co-authored the books with Ed.  Journalist Maryanne Kane


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