Facial Recognition Cams on London Streets

Breakthrough Global Innovations for Investors to Explore

Very Controversial Street Surveillance System

Source:  London Met Police's New Surveillance Cameras

Purpose to Stop Violent Crime
London is at the global vanguard of using a highly advanced, facial recognition camera system throughout the city to thwart violence.  It's one of the largest city in the Western world to deploy cutting-edge and highly controversial facial recognition cameras on its streets.  China is the biggest user of the technology.  Critics are calling London "Beijing Lite".  Critics argue facial recognition technology violates individual's privacy and has an extremely high, false positive rate of 81%, according to independent research. Nonetheless, the use of facial recognition tech is a big trend for investors to be aware of. and track developments.

European Union, Google and Microsoft Snooping Wars
Major players are weighing in on this emerging, disruptive technology.  The European Union has proposed a 5 year temporary ban on use of facial recognition technology until the kinks are ironed out and abuses can be thwarted.  At Davos this week, Alphabet/Google CEO Sundar Pichai revealed that he supports a temporary ban.  On the other hand, Microsoft CEO Brad Smith does not support any delays.

London Metropolitan Police Deployment
London police are now in the process of deploying the advanced facial recognition camera system.  They are placing very visible cameras with NEC facial recognition technology in neighborhoods with high crime rates, where they are most likely to find serious offenders. The technology is designed to identify people on a watch list and provide police with their real-time location in order to make arrests.  London police say it will be "intelligence led". The Financial Times has editorialized against the system, calling it "highly invasive and often inaccurate biometric monitoring."

Big Ben is Looking at You
London's advanced camera system will be fully operational within the month. Interestingly, the UK has more traditional surveillance cameras per person than any other country, other than China.  The new London facial recognition system has been ruled legal by a Judge but that decision is being appealed.  Here in the US, the cities of San Francisco, Oakland and Cambridge, MA have banned the use of such technology.  For a look at journalist Edward Kane's book "How to Use AI and AR", go to https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B07KBBQ44J&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_x9glEbB8CWGYM
And, to browse all of his books on new innovations, go to amazon.com/author/ekane  I co-authored the books with Ed.  Journalist Maryanne Kane


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